Excellent Attendance

Excellent Attendance – February 2019

judo gi with black belt
Beginning Judo Class:

Hattie Nacke
Eleanor Novak-Nizami
Keel Rifkin
Iolana Rodrigues
Gavin Eklund
Nathan Elizalde
Jack Anderson
Kai Houseman
Halo Ledeau
Graham Rogers
Meiling Houseman

Intermediate Judo Class:

Apollo Ambrose
Ace Epperson

Advanced Judo Class:

Carter Peters

Monthly Shiai – February 2019

In the spirit on this month’s CENCO Cup team tournament our dojo held it’s monthly shiai tournament, Team Tournament style. Congratulations to the Team who won this month!

February Shiai

Left to right: Carter Peters, Vaughn McDevitt, Kaelyn Grebe, Dahlia Ibarra, Evan Cornejo, Dylan Olech, Trever Hudson, and Ethan Nava.